Nutrition is More Important Now than Ever.
To be a good coach, it is essential that you learn how nutrition impacts all aspects of your clients’ health and results in the gym.
Here's what you'll learn over the next 14-weeks with us:
Body composition: why bother?
Basics of energy balance: The “ins and outs” of nutrition and exercise
Assessing nutritional needs: measuring, analyzing, and interpreting body comp
Using a biopsychosocial approach to nutritional assessment and programming
Exercise Biochemistry: Processing macros for max performance
Protein and Amino Acids: More than just building blocks
Lipids: Fuel, hormone function, and brain health
Carbohydrates: Friend or Foe?
Fluids and Electrolytes: Proper hydration strategies for higher performance
Elimination diets: From keto to carb cycling
Stress, sleep quality, booze, and body composition
Supplements that support changes in body composition
Intermittent fasting: general population vs athletes
Gut health and body composition: Is there a link?
Classes Start in January 2023!!