newsletter Feb 01, 2024

Sales Aren’t The Problem

By Eric Bugera

You don’t need to be a salesman to succeed.


  • Securing sales is a necessary step in being a successful trainer.
  • You don’t need to be a “salesman” to secure sales.
  • Be product and people first. The barrier to sales will drop dramatically.


Training vs. Selling

Making a sale is what stands between you and delivering the training that drew you to the fitness space to begin with. Of all the moving parts that create a successful business, selling your product is an inescapable task. It’s important to come to terms with whatever discomfort this may bring you – and quick. Without sales, there are no clients. Without clients, you cannot support yourself as a trainer. Your industry lifespan will be on a short fuse if you don’t get over this hurdle. Here’s how to do it.

Always Be Closing

While a catchy line, “always be closing” actually holds true in the fitness industry. Everything you produce is a proof-of-concept tool that can be leveraged to attract prospective clients. From your own workouts to client success stories, anything that shows off your knowledge, technical prowess, or likability is an asset. There should be no smoke and mirrors here, you’re not trying to trick anyone into your services. To reduce the barrier of future sales, the most effective way to portray yourself is to be truthful. This will help attract the attention of your target demographic (whether you know who they are or not), instead of blanket approaching individuals that don’t connect with you or your personality.

Maximizing your skills and the ability to portray them is critical. Becoming exceptional at your service is an easy way to reduce any sales anxiety you may have. When you have supreme confidence in your abilities, sales becomes a formality. Prospective clients are more interested in approaching you rather than you needing to hunt people down. Simplify your outlook by working to be the absolute best. This can be from the standpoint of floor skills, professionalism, or personability, but your aim is to be the person a client wants to work with. Any service in the fitness industry is a luxury expense to most clients – so standing out as the best option to invest in is critical. Bluntly put, make sure you’re actually good.

Finally, provide options. To reiterate – the fitness industry is a luxury expense to most prospective clients. You may be competing with tuition, rent, pet costs, or even food. This is to say, you are likely going to be the lowest priority to a new client who hasn’t fully bought in yet. If you’ve covered your first two bases (proof of concept and exceptional skills), you should have the ability to attract attention; however, if you only offer one premium product, you might price yourself out of a solid client share. Having an option sale ready for individuals who genuinely wish to work with you but need to navigate expenses is important. Keep your premium services set, but also offer one or two potential lower-cost alternatives. If you’re struggling with sales, one of two things may be happening. A client is too shy to tell you no so they scapegoat cost, or, you literally are an unattainable expense. Offer a second or third reduced cost option to help tease out those who truly wish to work with you from those that simply are afraid to say no.

You’re A Service

At the end of the day, remember that you are a service not a product. The goal is to help provide health and wellness guidance to your clients. This is ideally through long form training and relationship building. The way you attract and secure clients should therefore come from the vantage point of a caregiver even before they sign up with you. They purchase you as a service and not a single-use expense. If you misrepresent yourself, you still need to then train that person for whatever length of time they signed up for. Be good, be truthful, and offer options. If you are, much of your sales anxiety should fade away as it just becomes part of the process.
