Practical biomechanics principles for better training. Download the ebook here.


podcast Feb 09, 2022



This week on RX’D Radio, Jordan sits down with Luke Miller, owner of No Switch Fitness. Luke’s educational/experience background includes a Masters of Science in Exercise Science from the University of South Florida, CSCS certification, PSL2 certification and an engineering degree where he found his love for biomechanics during undergrad when he was involved in research aiming to limit concussions from helmet to helmet impacts during game play. He is also a competitive bodybuilder himself, having competed seven times in the NPC; because of all of this, he takes pride in leading from the front for all of his athletes.

Luke tells us about his first show and how he got into bodybuilding after losing a golf scholarship to an injury. They go over what a “Mock Prep” would look like from start to peak week, touch every aspect of the prep. This episode is for everyone, not just those interested in the bodybuilding world, you won't want to miss it!


Don’t miss the release of our NEWest educational community - The Pre-Script ™ Collective! Join the community today at

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